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Compassion for Congo


Compassion for Congo is a Christ-centered ministry for the care and support of churches and orphans in Democratic Republic of Congo. As of November 2024, it is a 501(c)3non-profit charitable organization with its own new website and portal: Note: members of GCBC can give through GCBC by designating "Congo" on the memo line and we will forwa...

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Christmas Shoes for Compassion for Congo


GCBC has partnered with Compassion for Congo each year to provide Christmas shoes for the 300+ children and food for a church celebration meal. Here is a video with pictures from last year and our missionary Pastor Didier sharing more about this. Click here to watch the video If you'd like to contribute for shoes ($20 per pair), you can give using the offering box b...

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Biblical Reconciliation Conference - February 21-22


In 2023 we launched the first "Care Conference". Our heart was to help equip our church to see themselves as a frontline of spiritual care in one another's lives. 2024 focused on marriage with Dr. John Street -"Marriage for the Long Run". We continue to pray for God's work to that end. This year, our focus is caring for our relationships reconcilliation, and will feature...

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C4C Giving Help

Steps for Oline Giving: Click Here Note: for 2024 giving to Compassion for Congo is being administered by our friends at Riverbend Church in Florida. For 2025, we will be updating our 501(c)3 giving to a new California address and administration to give more directly to ministry needs. We will share more at for 1/1/2025...

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Adopting Grace and Grit and the Family of Faith

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"In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved" (Ephesians 1:5-6 NASB). Blessed be God the Father who chose us before we knew Him (v. 3-4), gave us grace and saving faith as a gift (2:8-9), and in His Beloved S...

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Celebrating Reformation Day


Here ...

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Being with and speaking with grieving friends

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The Bible tells us to mourn with those who mourn and weep with those who weep. How can we better be with those who grieve? With friends and family in our church family who have experienced loss in recent days and years, how can we better seek to care for those who suffer the sorrow of departed loved ones? Being with and Speaking with Grieving Christian Friends Christ's E...

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Missions on Purpose


Before Gold Country Baptist Church had a building, or even property, it had a passion for the Great Commission and missionaries. The group of men that came together to form the first elder board, despite the small size of the church and its very limited income (to the point that Dale didn't even have a salary yet), committed to place missions as a high priority. Past...

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Podcast Recommends For The New Year

bible thought bubble

It's that time of year when so many people are thinking about changing habits. Whether that's health, household, or professional habits, routines around time in prayer and studying God's Word, or something else, many people are thinking about adjusting parts of their life this month. One of my prayers for myself and my church family is that Christ empowers and impels our o...

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Advice for Parents of Kids in Public Schools

In public school in the 90's, I learned to make friends, enjoyed sports, learned how to interact with adults, learned perseverance by walking home from school in the rain and snow, and even a little bit of self-defense from bullies (I was the skinny kid with glasses, soyou know how that goes). It was also in public school that I clearly saw how the world worked; what it ...

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