"Discipling" - by Huston Swift
This was a testimony of God's grace through the discipling relationships in Huston Swift's (one of our Deacons) lives....

Teach Us to Lament
Last Sunday, we prayed a corporate prayer of lament. Below is slightly edited transcript of that prayer, as a model for how to lament biblically. ...

The Attributes of God - Recommended Reading
A.W. Tozer wrote that “what comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us” (Tozer, The Knowledge of the Holy). I am convinced that our affections are driven by our understanding of who God is. That’s so important because we attend to those things that we love… we pay more attention to them than anything else....
Land of the Free, Home of the Brave
Whether merely a kind neighbor or someone from a very distant country that you have never heard of (let alone spell), does not our freedom of religion extend to sharing Christ with the world?...

A Bunch of Ways to Pray for Your Church
Here's how we've been praying as a church for the last year or so in our corporate times of prayer......

Providence - God's Pervasive Sovereignty
The providence of God is his purposeful sovereignty by which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe. (John Piper)...
Video Welcome for First Outdoor Service - June 7th
Well...here we go! Our first gathering in 3 months! We'll be outside, so here's a little look at where we're we'll be seated, and what to look forward to....

5/26 Praise Update on GCBC Re-Gathering in June
We are very encouraged to share the news that churches may soon begin re-gathering for worship in groups of up to 100!...

Songs for Troubled Times
What songs can Christians sing in troubled times? Here are a few recommendations from members of our music ministry. ...
Questions on Meeting at God’s House and in Our Homes or Other Places, Part 1
What are the current guidelines for gathering in homes? What is the church’s plan going forward? Will we be able to meet in small groups or come together in larger groups (outdoors)? How should we handle those who respond to the laws differently within the church?...
How to Pray for Political Leaders (by Frank Erb)
It is easy to criticize our government leaders and complain about their decisions. In fact, some of them make it extremely easy for us to do this! However, there is a better way....
Church and State in a Health Crisis, Part 1: Biblical and Historical Notes
Martin Luther practiced civil disobedience by illegally preaching, but saw black plague health restrictions differently...
Joining In A Week of Prayer Together
Praying together from Colossians 1, and for our community and leaders...
Sing We the Song of Emmanuel (New Song)
Below are the lyrics and video for a new song that our kiddos will be singing on December 20th to bless us this Christmas season. Start listening, and have fun! Sing We The Song Of Emmanuel (Matt Boswell) Verse 1 Sing we the song of Emmanuel This the Christ who was long foretold Lo in the shadows of Bethlehem Promise of dawn now our eyes behold Chorus 1 God Most H...
Keep ReadingPersonal or family worship as we await church family worship

Your Word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You --Psalm 119:11 (NASB). In our fight against sin, we need to treasure God's Word in our heart, that's the heart behind fighter verses being hidden or stored up in our heart like treasure or riches for ourselves and to be shared with others. Below is the next "fighter verse": Let the word of Christ dwell...
Keep ReadingThe Lord will not cast off forever
Another timely devotional from our Fighter Verse for this weekend It begins "Perhaps more than any other time in our generation, the world as a whole has been learning what it means to wait. As we hunker down in our homes in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, we find ourselves waiting for many things: for churches to gather, for businesses to resume, for stimulus checks...
Keep ReadingWaiting for the Lord
Lamentations 3:25-26, this weekend's fighter verse says "The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. It is good that one should wait quietly..." The Lamentations 3 passage goes on to say there can be good in bearing a yoke, or sitting alone in silence at times (v. 27-28), as we hope in God as our portion, our sufficiency (v. 24). "Let us test an...
Keep ReadingGod’s Peace in a Global Pandemic
We live in uncertain times. As I write this, the Coronavirus is a global pandemic, the economy is falling, while fear and hopelessness is rising in many places. But in the waves and storms of life, God's Word says there is a hope "we have as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul" (Hebrews 6:19). In these unsure days, the Bible says we have the "word made more sure" (2 Pe...
Keep Reading