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Application and Group Discussion Questions for 5/17

For personal or family or group discussion after the message to help apply further the message from May 17th.  Click here for sermon audio, video, and full sermon notes


Sermon title: Thanking God for Christ’s Kingdom Blessings (Colossians 1:12-14)


1st point: Thank God for Christ’s inheritance (v. 12)

  • How does giving thanks relate to joy in the end of v. 12?
  • How does Ephesians 1:3, 18, and 5:8-9 fill out this concept of being an heir and child of the light? How can you apply that specifically?


2nd point: Thank God for Christ’s deliverance (v. 13)

  • How does the word ‘delivered / rescued’ help fill out the picture of being saved?
  • How can this word picture in v. 13 help you explain the gospel to unbelievers?
  • For further study and reflection: 1 Peter 2:9-17 (to apply to how we speak and interact regarding our godless society and government)


3rd point: Thank God for Christ’s kingdom (v. 13b)

  • Which of the ‘transferred’ illustrations stood out to you and why (POW, hostage, new realm like Narnia, etc.) and why?
  • How do you know when you’re living in light of your enthroned King (3:1-2)?


4th point: Thank God for Christ’s redemption (v. 14)

  • What most encouraged you from this last point about slaves to sons?
  • How does Colossians 3:12-13 apply 1:14 and what do you need to put on today?
  • For personal reflection: is there someone you need to forgive or ask forgiveness from?