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Compassion for Congo

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C4C letterhead


Compassion for Congo is a ministry for the care and support of churches and orphans in Democratic Republic of Congo, Lubumbashi area. It was a ministry of Community Bible Church (CBC) Placerville until August 1, 2023 when the CBC elders voted to make it a ministry of Riverbend Church, under the oversight of the Compassion for Congo board. The board members are Riverbend Church pastor Scott Menez, myself (Gold Country Baptist Church pastor Phil Layton), and CBC elders Joel Anthes and Jeff Proft.

For the official communication from the Anthes family and this mission after its founder Paul Anthes went to be with his Savior in the summer of 2023, click here. 

James 1:27 speaks of Christianity that cares for orphans and widows, and Colossians 1 speaks of preaching Christ and His supremacy or preeminence over all (v. 19, 28). Our mission has always been to exalt Christ as the only hope of men in this life and the one to come, and to reflect His compassion to and through this mission to Congo. Pastor Didier Mukotshi oversees the ministry of the orphanage and 4 church plants and their community outreaches in Lubumbashi, DRC, and beyond. These growing churches are committed to Christ-centered discipleship and spreading His glorious gospel of grace, and are also caring for the poor and sick in the name of Christ.

Here is the official giving site for online giving to this mission (select Congo fund): Give Now (

Support checks sent by mail should be made out to: 
Riverbend Community Church (specify "Congo" or "C4C" on memo)*
2080 Granada Blvd, Ormond Beach, FL 32174

*Contributions made to Compassion For Congo will be distributed at the discretion of its board members to wherever the need is deemed greatest within the Compassion For Congo ministry.

Note: members of GCBC can also give through GCBC by designating "Congo" on the memo line and we will forward all funds we receive to Riverbend Church monthly.


The churches and children in Congo are in desperate need as war and the pandemic has decimated their economy that was already one of the world's worst. I have spent many weeks with this mission and we adopted from this orphanage. I have a tremendous love and trust and respect for Dider and I commend this ministry highly.

Below is a great video of Pastor Didier introducing the work with Paul Anthes and my fellow board member Scott Menez when he was at a church in CA. This is from a few years ago but what he shares is still very much what the ministry is involved with.
Below is a testimonial from Paul Anthes and Bob Wheatley (co-founders of the mission) and more of our family story and the other initial families who adopted.
Click here for an older but nice Sacramento Bee article (Region cover story) on Compassion for Congo to read more. This was a feature article on the ministry and families in our area who have adopted kids from this same small orphanage (there are 10-20 of these precious kids in California, many within a couple hours of each other). 
The same newspaper also did a video story from Family Camp where Jaime and I and the Wilmarths tell more of our story and experiences.
Click here for an interview I did with KFIA radio station talking more about the mission 
Please take a moment to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Congo and for His compassion and covenant mercy to draw others to the Savior and Lord of all nations.

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