GCBC Safety Plan
Safety Plans for GCBC Services (as of August 2020, footnotes updated 11/20)
The Elders shepherding the GCBC flock are very prayerful and careful for you all and want to gather safely and in unity for God's glory (Romans 15:5-6). We believe the details of how we gather in worship are the jurisdiction and responsibility of church leaders under Christ and His loving headship and care for all His flock (Acts 20:28, Psalm 148:12-13, Leviticus 19:32, Philippians 2:3-4, Proverbs 11:14).
Below is what the GCBC shepherds ask of those attending our services:
- Please stay home and watch by livestream if you are experiencing symptoms or are at increased risk of becoming sick[1]. Outside seating, and livestream options with places to spread out on campus will be available.
- Please plan for seating with distancing (ex: rows with extra spacing) and that restrooms will be limited. We ask you not to crowd in them or common areas and to respect physical distancing considerations as you interact.
- Please watch your kids on campus at all times for the safety of them and others.
- We will provide hand sanitizer and face coverings and signage per CA Guidance[2].
[1] Due to close contact in the last 14 days with a positive COVID-19 case, or if you have a fever, flu symptoms, or new loss of taste or smell. If your health is compromised or in doubt or developing symptoms, GCBC encourages you to join us by livestream.
[2] California Guidance for Houses of Worship asks for social distancing and face coverings when gathering, "when unable to physically distance," etc. It defines the concern for "close contact" as "within six feet for 15 minutes or more." Individuals, and not GCBC, are responsible for following safety guidance. GCBC is not enforcing or guaranteeing the compliance of attendees, who assume their own risk and liability by participating in GCBC activities.
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