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Law Enforcement Sunday

Support law enforcement

This past Sunday we were blessed to have an estimated 20+ officers with us in person for our Law Enforcement Support and Outreach Sunday (click here for background). 

With some out of town for a holiday weekend and others unable to be with us as they serve and protect elsewhere, we wanted to provide the links to share with friends or those you know who may be encouraged. This first link introduces guests, including Lieutenants Brian Schopf of Elk Grove PD and Jeff Leikauf (future Sheriff-elect of our county, Lord-willing), and other guests as well as our honored guest Tim Thompson introduced below (click here for more about him from our local newspaper).

Below is a special prayer for local law enforcement, by Cliff Peppers (retired Sac Sheriff as well as retired Pastor).

Here is the link for the message on God's goodness and gift of law enforcement 

Lastly, for those who would like to share the written version of the message, click here for the link 

As we heard from God's Word let's support officers in prayer, that they would be like the officer commended by Jesus Luke 7. Let's pray for our authorities that they:
- highly value welfare of others (Luke 7:2)
- love their nation and do it good (v. 5)
- be worthy (v. 4) & have humility (v. 6)
- know authority & submit to Lord (v. 7-8)
- have great faith in the Lord (v. 9)
- See also 1 Timothy 2:1-2 (praying with thanks and peace) and Jeremiah 29:7 (praying for the welfare of the city and those that promote it)



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