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Love Never Ends

love never ends

Love Never Ends ("The Corner Room" Music)

A Musical Memorization Aid for 1 Corinthians 13

Several months through first Corinthians 13 - arguably the most famous passage in the Bible on love - promises to be a rich, and transformative time. We are looking forward to all the Lord will teach us and how we will grow together in genuine love as a Body.

One way to help prepare our hearts for this series, and any Sunday worship service, is to familiarize ourselves with the passage that will be preached. One of the most helpful ways to familiarize ourselves with scripture, is to memorize scripture. That can be challenging - it certainly takes work! I want to encourage you to memorize so you can meditate, but putting some songs on repeat!

Below are three songs (plus their instrumental versions) that are the exact ESV text of 1 Corinthians. How cool, right?! Also, here is the YouTube link to listen if you're not a Spotify user. May we meditate, listen & sing, so we can meditate!  

Love Never Ends | 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Love Never Ends | 1 Corinthians 13:4-10

Love Never Ends | 1 Corinthians 13:11-13