Joining In A Week of Prayer Together
Let's make this a week of prayer! Here are ways I would encourage us as a body to pray for this week:
Wednesday - let's pray Colossians 1:9 for our Governor and State in particular, “asking that [they] may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding…” Part of that would involve prayer for God’s revealed will that they be saved, but also for our unsaved leaders, they need understanding and wisdom as well. Let’s pray for their guidance and favor to us and for some relief to begin for California and our county. See the email at the bottom of below for a weekly prayer email from our missionary Frank Erb and how to pray for the government HERE. To read letters I've sent to our government leaders appealing for clarity and ability on when we can gather again as believers on some level CLICK HERE.
- UPDATE: Please pray specifically for our county leaders who meet Friday to consider requests from our community, our church, and others.
Thursday – let’s pray v.10 for the lost and for our gospel witness in our community and the nations, that they would be “…increasing in the knowledge of God…” This day will be the National Day of Prayer focused on Habakkuk 2:14, praying for the knowledge of the glory of God to increase on the earth as the waters cover the sea. The attached Word document includes prayer requests received from some of our missionaries to pray for. We were blessed to have some of them join us internationally on last Wednesday's live Zoom call as well, calling in from several time zones.
- Note: Thursday from 12:00-1:00pm, Pastor Corey will lead a church wide prayer time via Zoom. To join in on that call email to get the pertinent info.
Friday – let’s pray the other part of v. 10 for the families of our church, and for those of you who live alone, and for extended families you can't see as much in these times. God help us “to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work…” – may God help us to live in a way that pleases Him and that He would bear gospel fruit even this week in our interactions. HERE is a great guide from Desiring God on how to pray Colossians 1:9-11 for your children (or grandchildren)
Saturday – let’s pray v. 10b let’s pray for the lost and for our gospel witness in our community and the nations, that they would be “…increasing in the knowledge of God…” This day will be the National Day of Prayer focused on Habakkuk 2:14, praying for the knowledge of the glory of God to increase on the earth as the waters cover the sea. The attached Word document includes prayer requests received from some of our missionaries to pray for. We were blessed to have some of them join us internationally on last Wednesday's live Zoom call as well, calling in from several time zones.
- Note: we’ll share more info tomorrow on the lunch hour prayer time Pastor Corey will lead this Thursday from 12:00-1:00.
Sunday – let’s pray v. 11 for the churches across the land to be “strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy…” Let’s pray for strength for the weak and weary, and that God will strengthen and build up His churches for His glory, and give power to His people as they wait till they can meet again. I’m reminded of the time I preached on last Sunday night when Israel went a long time without corporate worship. We don't know when these orders will cease or when this pandemic will end, but we know as Lamentations 3 says, God’s mercies will never come to an end and are new this morning (and will be every morning as we hope in Him our portion). CLICK HERE to watch or listen to or read that message on enduring hope and patiently waiting with joy in the Lord.
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