Resources on Woke Movement and Critical Race Theory
Last Sunday (6/20) I preached on God's wisdom for the woke movement and critical race theory (CRT). Here are links to some of the resources I mentioned.
Click here for the link to the audio, video, and full notes, and I've added related links below. For a shorter version of a study I took our Young Adult Group through last June with audio clips from Voddie Baucham (and PDF notes with further links), click here.
The most helpful further intro to CRT I found on SermonAudio is by Brian Borgman, a ministry friend who also has a PDF with helpful definitions of key terms if you click here
For visual learners who'd like to see a chart to help understand the CRT worldview, below is a helpful chart we went through in a recent elder's meeting. This helps present side-by-side important differences between critical theory and biblical truth in the gospel:
At the end of Sunday's message (6/20), I shared Monique's story. For those who are audio learners, below is an interview by her that tells more of her story as a former insider to CRT who helpfullly goes into more detail on the different definitions and worldview and contrasts it to the true gospel:
If you're more of a reader, here's from a blog by Samuel Sey, who I mentioned in the message: ""critical race theorists maintain that America’s founding principles are irredeemably racist... to oppress people who are poor, non-white, or women... [CRT] maintains that Western culture is innately and primarily white supremacist. Critical race theorists believe all our institutions are systemically racist and they believe white people are naturally or socially inclined to maintain their oppressive power and privilege over non-white people. They believe our political systems, educational systems, traditional families, and churches are white supremacist—and they won’t rest until they destroy and reshape them ..."
Click here for the rest of that blog: What is Critical Race Theory?
If you're more of a video person, click here for Voddie Baucham explaining CRT.
Below is the video of the North Korean defector I quoted from in at the start of Sunday's sermon, describing her experience in a "woke" American University. She notes the similarities to what she hear taught about Americans in her communist school as a kid:
Her story and the story I shared from John Perkins as well as Samuel Sey's stories and resources are all highlighted in an excellent book I'd recommend for furthe reading on these topics: Thaddeus Williams, Confronting Justice Without Compromising Truth. May God help us pursue both charity and clarity in this subject and I pray these resources will be helpful for us as we seek to be a faithful witness in the midst of CRT wokeness.
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