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GCBC News - November 7








SUNDAY, November 7, 2021



  • PCS Veterans Day Assembly: Tomorrow, Friday November 5th at 10am to honor veterans in our community. Everyone welcome. Our very own, Kirby Smith, will be speaking. For more information: Veteran's Day Invitation
  • Membership Classes: If you are not currently a member, but are interested in joining our church, membership classes will begin this Sunday, November 7th, and will be held in Pastor Phil's office during the Sunday School hour (8:45am).
  • Fall Fellowship Meals: If you signed up, Meals will be this Sunday, November 7th. For any questions, please contact Diane Haller or Jaime Layton.
  • Men's Breakfast will take place in the Fellowship Hall next Saturday, November 13th, from 7:00-9:30am. Sign up with the link below or at the kiosk this Sunday!


  • Heart to Heart is in need of volunteers for childcare twice per month (the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays) starting in January, so if you are able or moved to serve in this way, please contact Liz Pino.
  • Project of the Month: Brian and Aimee Mariani





Call to Worship & Scripture Reading 

Romans 12:9-21

Worship in Song

“The Solid Rock”

“All The Way My Savior Leads Me”

“Reformation Hymn – Glory Be…”

(Children Dismissed)


Loving Rejoicing in the Truth” (1 Corinthians 13:6) - Phil Layton

Communion – Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon

“Thy Body, Blessed Jesus”

Benediction & Commission