GCBC News - June 20
SUNDAY, June 20, 2021
VBS Volunteers Meeting is tonight, Thursday, June 17th, from 6-8pm. Dinner will be provided.
- 2819 Missions Group is meeting this Friday, June 18th at the Plaxton home. For more information or to attend, you can email the church office or contact Tim or Melody Plaxton.
- Souper Senior Sunday is this week! If you are 70 or better there will be lunch served in the Fellowship Hall after the Sunday service (around 12pm).
- VBS children's sign-ups have begun! VBS will take place July 7-9th. Click Here to sign-up and preview the music that the kids will be learning. We will have several flyers on the Kiosk for you to take and invite friends and family as well!
- Blog Post: To read the prayer that Kirby Smith gave for veterans during the praise and testimony night a couple of weeks ago, click here or go to "Pastor's Blog" under resources on our website.
- Testimonies: To listen to the testimonies given by Brittany and Max Kulikovskiy during the Praise and Testimony Night a couple of weeks ago, click this link: https://youtu.be/RdraXlwE7aE
- Welcome to our Summer Intern, Gavin Dague!
Gavin Dague is working as an intern at Gold Country Baptist Church this summer. He is excited and grateful for this opportunity to serve the Body of Christ in this way. He has been at GCBC for a little over three years, and says that the church here has been such a blessing as he seeks to grow in his walk with the Lord, sit under the preaching of the Word, and encourage others. Having grown up in a christian home, he was taught the word for as long as he can remember. However, he believed that the Lord saved him when he was around seven years old. The Lord did a work in his heart, opening his eyes to the substitutionary death of Christ on the cross on his behalf, causing him to repent of his sin and put his faith and trust in Christ. He states that although he is not perfect, he has seen God at work in his life and growing himself in the process of sanctification. He is looking forward to the time we have in the future, growing alongside one another in the months to come!
- June's Project of the Month is the Albanesi family. Your giving will go towards assisting them in returning to Italy to serve at the Italian Theological Academy. You can give to them by writing their name in the memo line of your check or give online at: gcb.church/giving. To learn more about their ministry, take a look at the blog post that was created when they visited us in April!
- Sacramento Gospel Conference - GCBC - August 7, 2021. Early Bird special is available for just $35 through June 30, 2021, $40 thereafter. Click Here to Register If you are interested in free registration by serving during the event contact Graeme Grant.
- Sunday School Classes: For an overview of Sunday School Equipping Classes and room numbers, click here!
- If you have invited friends or family, you can share with them this link to our safety plan (click here).
- To be added to our church email list for updates on this and our weekly services, please email gcbc_office@
Call to Worship & Scripture Reading
Genesis 1:20-32
Worship in Song
"Creation Sings"
(Kids dismissed for Children's Church)
"All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name"
"Oppression and the Question of our Times Pt.2" (James 3-5) - Phil Layton
"All I Have is Christ"
Welcome New Members
Benediction & Commission
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