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GCBC News - November 14








SUNDAY, November 14, 2021



  • Mexico Christmas Gifts will need to be brought to the church by the end of service, this Sunday, November 14th. If you weren't able to purchase gifts, you can help donate money by writing "Mexico Christmas" in the description of your check or online.
  • Men's Breakfast - If you've signed up already, Men's breakfast will be tomorrow, Saturday 13th from 7-9:30am.
  • 2819 Missions Group will be held at 7pm on November 19th. Contact Tim or Melody Plaxton for more information.


  • Admin. Assistant Update: Laura Schumann will begin full time student teaching in January! We thank the Lord for her time with us, in the office, we are prayerful about her replacement. If you are interested in this part time role, please contact Pastor Corey this week at
  • Prayer & Testimony Night: Join us for a time of prayer and cookies and be encouraged by the testimonies from incoming members of our body! 6pm on Sunday, November 28th.
  • Kid's Christmas Choir: If your children, grades k-6, would like to participate in this year's Kid's Christmas Choir, they can begin learning the songs with the link attached to this post. Rehearsal dates are TBD. Listen to Kid's Christmas music here
  • Project of the Month: Brian and Aimee Mariani





Call to Worship & Scripture Reading 

Romans 14:22-15:13

Worship in Song

“Come Thou Almighty King

“All Praise to Him”

Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon

“Great is Thy Faithfulness”

(Children Dismissed)


Love Believes and Hopes the Best (1 Corinthians 13:7) - Phil Layton

“The Solid Rock”

Benediction & Commission 

1 Thessalonians 5:13-14