Humility - that we would be constantly fighting personal pride and cultivating humility, and striving to spread a high view of God and low view of self.
Dependence upon God - that our prayer life would increase and deepen, and that we would prevail with God to give men faith and repentance so that we can prevail with men to believe and repent!
Compassion - that we would be sensitive to and sincerely troubled by what troubles you, and have discernment to deal with real issues rather than symptoms, and courage to speak the truth in love.
Balance - that we would have God’s grace to balance time and care to our wives and families, as well as the vital shepherding of this church family, and that our lives and teaching would never be imbalanced, as “the holy Bible is wholly taught.”
Patience and Wisdom - that we would have much of God’s wisdom to guide our every step in leading this precious flock, and that we would have patience with those who disagree, as we grow together.
Pure Motives - that we would be motivated by the prospect of the glory of Christ and not our self-interests.
Diligence & Hard Work - that we would discipline ourselves for painstaking labors and hours deep in study, because God’s Word deserves it and God’s people need meat to grow.
Doctrinal Stability - that we would stand unwaveringly on sound theological truth, with discernment to avoid frivolous discussions, needless debates, and unprofitable controversies that veil the beauty of Christ.
Meekness Towards Men - that we would have such confidence in the sufficiency of Scripture that we need not be quarrelsome or harsh.
Zeal - that the truth would affect our souls first before we ever present it to You and that our passion will be genuine and contagious.
Clarity and Power of Teaching - that we would have the Spirit’s empowering to make clear the supremacy of God’s glory by the exposition of His word, with accurate application toward life-transformation.
Reverence - that we would refuse to patronize sinners through entertainment but rather that I would preach under the judicial gaze of a holy and awe-inspiring God.
(Originally from Richard Baxter)
Apart from Christ, we can do nothing, but with the prayers of you faithful friends, let’s see what GOD will do!