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Archives for October 2023

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How To Think & Pray About the Situation In Israel

Unthinkable things have taken place the last couple of weeks in Israel - terrorists in the name of Islam and the destruction of Jews (and Americans) have slaughtered hundreds in just a matter of days in Israel, and we await Israel's response which will likely be intense, and bloody, and appropriate as they defend and respond to the attacks. We must pray for peace Israel an...

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Engaging LGBTQ Friends With The Gospel

bible thought bubble

How do we share Christ with those who identify as LGBTQ? Well, we know that we must have a firm grasp of what it means as humans to be made in the image of God. Start there (Genesis 1:26-28), and be fully convinced that what God has made is good (start at 38:06 for image of God discussion)! But, we must proclaim God's truthbecause the truth sets us free! And what is God's ...

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