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GCBC News- January 9th


SUNDAY, January 9th, 2022



  • Upcoming Souper Senior Sunday:  If you are 70 or better, join us this Sunday, after service for a time of lunch in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Churchwide Potluck- Prayer & Testimony Night: Mark your calendars for January 23rd, at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. Details to follow.
  • New Blog Post: Click here to read our new blog post by Graeme Grant to help deepen your understanding of the attributes of God as we begin this new series. 
  • Equipping Hour Reminder: We encourage you to come along to the classes at 8:45 each week before the church service. 


  • Project of the Month: Frank Erb, serving with Capital Commission.
  • 2819 Mission's Group: will be held at 7pm on January 21st. Contact Tim or Melody Plaxton for more information.
  • They Will See Podcast: To hear ministry updates from one of our missionaries click here. Please do not share this podcast without first asking permission from Seth Johnston.





Call to Worship

Deuteronomy 6:1-15

Worship in Song

“Before the Throne of God Above”

"Behold Our God"

(Children Dismissed)

"O Great God"


God’s Attributes; Pt. 2: God the Jealous- Pastor Corey Millican

“All Creatures of Our God and King”

Benediction & Commission