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Ministry to Men Studies

Below are different men's groups that are currently meeting. Along with a quarterly Men's Breakfast, we desire to see

"Men of God"

Every other Tuesday Night  

Currently Studying The Book of Hebrews

Contact Nate Lyday for time and place.


“Ministry to Men”

Every 1st & 3rd Tuesday 6-8 PM

Currently Studying "The Gospel According to Jesus" - John MacArthur

Contact Robin Haller for more information.


"ROMEO Bible Study"

R.O.M.E.O. means Retired Old Men Eating Out. That's our private joke!

But on a very serious note, R.O.M.E.O.s meet every Tuesday from 11:30AM-1:00PM at "The Breakroom" in Shingle Springs, CA 95682 at 4131 South Shingle Rd., #7,

We meet for a good lunch, wonderful fellowship and a detailed Bible Study.

Current study: The Book of Acts

Contact Don Myers for more information/questions.


Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Wednesdays at 6 AM – GCBC Foyer

Currently studying "The Book of Revelation"

Contact Bob Johnston for more info.


For more information, contact the church office @ 530.677.4122