WATCH LIVE STREAM SERVICES - 10:00AM Sunday Worship, & Past Services

GCBC News - May 7 2023


SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2023


  • Equipping Hour: This Sunday, May 7th at 8:45 am
    • Meaningful Membership Classes begin with the 1st of 4 classes if you are interested in membership at our church and what that means biblically, join us in Pastor Phil's office.
    • Women Helping Women resumes (Open to all women) in Main Bldg, Classroom 4.
    • Fundamentals of Faith resumes in Main Bldg, Classroom 5.
    • A new class begins - "Creation Worldview & Apologetics Class" with Michael Cote (All are welcome.  Youth group will be combined with this class) in Main Bldg, Classroom 3.
  • VBS Meeting: This Sunday, May 7th at 12 pm in the Fellowship Hall following the morning service. Lunch provided.
  • Directory Photos: Kelly Downey will be taking photos for the directory this Sunday, May 7th after the worship service. 
  • Women of the Word Class: Mark your calendars, for three sessions on Thursdays at 5:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall:  May 25th, June 1st, and June 8th to learn how to dive deeper into God’s Word.  Ages: Jr. High to Senior Saints.
  • Conference Audio: All of the Care Conference audio streaming is available on our website, go to: conference. Click here 


  • VBS Volunteer Registration is Open: June 20, 21, 22 & BBQ on the 23rd. Visit to register and find more information.
  • Utah Mission Trip: We are excited to send another mission team from GCBC this year to share the gospel with the Latter-Day Saints of Utah. The dates this year are July 22-28, visit for more info, and to let us know if you are interested in coming along. 




Call to Worship

Psalm 118:14

Prayer of Praise & Thanks

Scripture Reading

Mark 14:22-38

Worship in Song 

“He Leadeth Me" (58)

“All The Way My Savior Leads Me" (172)

“Jesus, Draw Me Ever Nearer" (165)


"Weariness & Trust In The Battle" Phil Layton 


"Before The Throne Above" (187) 


Benediction & Commission

 Deuteronomy 31:6