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Lenehan Funeral and Memorial Services


Below are various videos from Officer Lenehan's services as well as links at the bottom to other tributes and his own testimony.

Police Funeral: Tuesday, February 1st at 10am.

  • Below is the TV recording of the entire service. Pastor Phil speaks at the 13:30 mark and Jason Hill speaks at the 1 hour and 23 minute mark. His Sergeant and team speak at the 49:30 mark and his Chief at 34:15

Below is Jason Hill's 8 minute speech that was also aired on channel 3:


Below is Pastor Phil's opening remarks, prayer, and special music that aired on ABC10:


 Below is Ty sharing his own story in his own words, as mentioned at the end of above


  • GCBC Memorial Service: Wednesday, February 2nd at 3:00 pm.
    • Below is the recording of the memorial for our church family. Ty's brothers and sister speak as well as Cliff, Corey, Eli, Sean, and others


Our local newspaper did a nice cover story summarizing both services you can read if you  click here



Click here for our church's tribute and links to other news sources highlighting the faith and life of our brother Ty Lenehan. Please feel free to add your own comments and remembrances there on that page. 

We pray the comfort of the the gospel would go forth and change hearts, as this was Ty's greatest desire.



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