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GCBC News - March 28







SUNDAY, March 28, 2021



  • Marge Bell's Memorial will be held this Saturday, 03/27/21 @ 2pm in the Sanctuary. There will be a reception following the service in the Fellowship Hall.
  • Women Helping Women Sunday School Class is this week. For more information or to sign-up to attend, Contact Maureen Roscorla.
  • Kids Choir Practice will be held this Sunday, 03/28/21, following the service at 11:40am in the sanctuary. They will be practicing the song "Jerusalem." For more information and song practice, click on the link here Kids Easter Choir Information
  • Men's Breakfast Sign-ups: Men's Breakfast will be on April 10th. You can sign up online by clicking on the link below or sign-up in person this Sunday


  • Missions Project of the Month is the Luciano Family in the Philippines. Your giving will help with expenses for equipment to use for online teaching since (due to Covid) they cannot teach face to face. In addition, your offering will help with ongoing (and likely increased) expenses. (They recently added a baby to their family.)


  • If you have invited friends or family, you can share with them this link to our safety plan (click here).




Call to Worship & Scripture Reading 

John 12:12-15 | Psalm 85:5-6

Prayer of Petition for Revival - Ron Foltz

"Hallelujah, What A Savior"

"It Is Well With My Soul" 

Sermon: "Anticipating the Rapture" – Dale Cundall

"Turn Your Eyes"

Benediction & Commission

1 Timothy 1:17