April 30, 2021
by Phil Layton
Current Events
In last week's message, the "woke movement" was mentioned by Pastor Corey briefly in relation to our witness for the gospel (I also referenced the "woke mob" in the prior week on why people rage against oppression in Psalm 2). For those unfamiliar with the term, the slang term "woke" arose in popular culture with the Black Lives Matter movement and describes those who are ...
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April 28, 2021
by Corey Millican
"I am eager to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome ... for it is the power of God unto salvation to all who believe ..." (Romans 1:15-16)
Cesare (pronounced Chess-uh-ray, or Caesar) was in town this last week and shared of his heart for Italy, where his family plans to return in a few months. According to some estimates, 99.5-99.7% do not know the true gospel and few...
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April 22, 2021
Here are the video testimony links from our recent men's event:
Very encouraging testimonies from GCBC Men's Breakfast April 10th.
Time stamps for above link:
0:00 Sean
5:30 Jason H
20:00 Justin
32:00 Ty
51:30 Greg Jedeiah
If the above link doesn't work,click hereto open in another browser
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April 15, 2021
by Phil Layton
Let's keep praying for my seminary classmate and fellow soldier in the spiritual war zone up north! Putting him behind bars for 35 days didn't stop his church, so on April 7 they've put the church building behind bars - 3 layers of steel security fencing!
Sad to see a church building taken over, but glad the church is not a building and that the story is not over for Chri...
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April 11, 2021
by Phil Layton
We all need the Lord's help to enjoy and be more faithful in prayer. Here are some practical helps to assist us.
Click here for a print-friendly 1 page version of below and Click here for the audio or video of the message on Colossians 4:2 where this was shared
For Personal Prayer (A.C.T.S.):
A Adoration of God (His attributes, who He is)
C Confession of sin
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April 8, 2021
by Corey Millican
Here's how we've been praying as a church for the last year or so in our corporate times of prayer......
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March 31, 2021
by Phil Layton
It's Palm Sunday But Friday's Coming
Poem by Pastor Phil Layton
It's Palm Sunday. A donkey is borrowed, a fig tree will be cursed tomorrow.
Jesus will weep over Jerusalem in sorrow for what's coming for its sin.
It's Palm Sunday. The first day of the week. All Israel is there for the feast.
The city is filled with sheep, as the Lamb of God is coming ...
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March 11, 2021
by Corey Millican
The providence of God is his purposeful sovereignty by which he will be completely successful in the achievement of his ultimate goal for the universe. (John Piper)...
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March 5, 2021
by Phil Layton
Here is a follow up tothis earlier post about my former classmate at Masters Seminary now in jail for leading and meeting with his church according to his conscience and convictions from God's Word.Be sure to scroll down to read the appeal of Erin Coates for her husband where she explains his convictions and the impact on her and their family.
PRAYER UPDATE: On Friday 3...
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February 18, 2021
by Phil Layton
Today let's soberly obey Hebrews 13:3 "Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body."
Scroll to the bottom for updated prayer requests for Pastor James Coates from his elders and updates from his wife.
This hits close to home as this pastor is a classmate of mine in my seminary program at...
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